Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά
- M.C. Vlachou, J.S. Lioumbas, K. David, D. Chasapis, T.D. Karapantsios, “Effect of channel height and mass flux on highly subcooled horizontal flow boiling”, Exp. Thermal and Fluid Science 83 157-168, (2017).

- Sakonidou, E.P., Karapantsios, T.D., Balouktsis, A.I., Chassapis, D., “Corrigendum to "Modeling of the optimum tilt of a solar chimney for maximum air flow" [Sol. Energy 82 (2008) 80-94]”, Solar Energy 86 (2): 809(2012)
- E.P. Sakonidou, T.D. Karapantsios, A.I. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, “Modeling of the optimum tilt of a solar chimney for maximum air flow”, Solar Energy 82,80-94 (2008).

- D. Chassapis, T.D. Karapantsios, A. Balouktsis, “Incorporation of hydrodynamic interaction forces to molecular statistical theory of temporary polymer networks in solution”, European Polymer Journal 43, 3236-3249 (2007).

- D. Chassapis, A. Balouktsis, T.D. Karapantsios, “Flow birefringence of temporary polymer networks”, European Polymer Journal 38, 1071-1078 (2002).

- A. Vlachos, T.D. Karapantsios, A. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, “Design and testing of a new solar tray dryer”, Drying Technology 20(6): 1243-1271 (2002). (Abstract)
- A. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, T.D. Karapantsios, “A nomogram method for estimating the energy produced by wind turbine generators”, Solar Energy, 72(3), 251-259 (2002).

- G. Babos, D. Chassapis, “The calculation of the effective values of physical properties for random composites with circular inclusions”, J. Phys.& Chem. of Solids 51:209-215 (1990).

- D. Chassapis, G. Babos, R. Takserman-Krozer, Ε. Kröner, “Statistical mechanics of temporary polymer networks”, Rheol. Acta 28: 193-201 (1989). (Abstract)
- Ε. Kröner, D. Chassapis, R. Takserman-Krozer, “The physics of temporary polymer networks: a comparison of theory and experiment”, Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks, pp 185-205,O. Kramer ed., Elsevier Applied Science, London:1988. (Abstract)
Εργασίες δημοσιευμένες σε πρακτικά συνεδρίων
- G. Panagopoulos , E. Kirtas , K. Mimidis, I. Sous, A. Kappos, I. Lialiampis & D. Chasapis, “Inventory of the building stock in the city of Serres (Greece) for seismic vulnerability assessment and loss estimation”, 10th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Opatija-Croatia, 29 June - 1 July 2015.
- T. D. Karapantsios, A. I. Balouktsis, D. Chassapis, M. D. Petala, "A CFD model to estimate the effect of tilt and height on the natural air flow inside a solar chimney", WSEAS conference, Venice – Italy, 21-23 November 2007.
- I. Balouktsis, A. Balouktsis, T. D. Karapantsios, D. Chassapis, K. David, K. Anastasiou “Load matching and optimization of directly coupled PV to water chillers pumping systems”, WSEAS conference, Venice – Italy, 21-23 November 2007.
- M.E. Theodoridou, D. Chassapis, A. Balouktsis, “The newly founded Department of Informatics in Serres: its purpose and structure”, 3rd GLOBAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Congress Proceedings, UICEE, ISBN: 0 7326 2201 8, p.p. 359-362 Glasgow Caledonian University 30 June – 5 July 2002.
- Α. Μπαλουκτσής, Δ. Χασάπης, Θ. Καραπάντσιος, «Δημιουργία Νομογράμματος για τον Υπολογισμό της Μέσης Παραγόμενης Ισχύος μιας Ανεμογεννήτριας», Τεχνολογίες Ήπιων Μορφών Ενέργειας και Περιβάλλοντος, pp. 187-195, Αθήνα 11-12 Δεκεμβρίου 2000.
Συμβολη σε εργασίες τρίτων (δηλώνεται στο Aknowledgement)
- Ε. Kröner, R. Takserman-Krozer, “Statistical Theory of Streaming-Birefringence in Temporary Polymer Networks”, B. Sedlacek ed., Walter de Gruyter and Co, Berlin:1985
- Ε. Kröner, “The viscoelasticity of temporary polymer networks”, Morphology of polymers, B. Sedlacek ed., Walter de Gruyter and Co, New York:1986