Δρ. Μιχάλης Αθανασίου |
Φυσικός Εργαστηριακός Συνεργάτης |
Διδακτορική διατριβή
"Ανάλυση και αναγνώριση σημάτων με σύγχρονες μεθόδους μη γραμμικής δυναμικής. Εφαρμογές στο γαιομαγνητοσφαιρικό πλάσμα", Δ.Π.Θ. 2000
Δημοσιεύσεις σε έγκριτα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά με σύστημα κριτών:
- Argyris J., I. Andreadis, G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, The influence of noise on the correlation dimension of chaotic attractors, Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, 9, 343-361, 1998.
- Argyris, J., I. Andreadis, G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, On the influence of noise on the Largest Lyapunov exponent and on the geometric structure of attractors, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 9, 947-958, 1998.
- Argyris, J., L. Tenek, I. Andreadis, M. Athanasiu, and G. Pavlos, On chaotic oscillations of a laminated composite cylinder subject to periodic application of temperature, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 9, 1529-1554, 1998.
- Pavlos, G. P., M. Athanasiu, D. Kugiumtzis, N. Hantzigeorgiu, A.G. Rigas, and E.T. Sarris, Nonlinear analysis of Magnetospheric data, Part I. Geometric characteristics of the AE index time series and comparison with nonlinear surrogate data, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 6, 51-65, 1999.
- Pavlos, G. P., D. Kugiumtzis, M. Athanasiu, N. Hantzigeorgiu, D. Diamantidis, and E.T. Sarris, Nonlinear analysis of Magnetospheric data, Part II. Dynamical characteristics of the AE index time series and comparison with nonlinear surrogate data, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 6, 79-98, 1999.
- Pavlos, G. P., M. Athanasiu, D. Diamantidis, A.G. Rigas, and E.T. Sarris, Comments and new results about the magnetospheric chaos hypothesis, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 6, 99-127, 1999.
- Saraphopoulos, D.V., M.A. Athanasiu, E.T. Sarris, T. Yamamoto, and S. Kokubun, Properties and origin of energetic particles at duskside of the Earth's magnetosheath throughout a great storm, Ann. Geoph., 17, 1121-1133, 1999.
- Saraphopoulos, D.V., M. Athanasiu, D.G. Sibeck, R.W. McEntire, E.T. Sarris, S. Kokubun, Energetic proton and electron dispersion signatures in the nightside magnetosheath supporting their leakage out of the magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15,729-15,739, 2000.
- Argyris J., I. Andreadis, G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, On a classification of dynamic systems subject to noise, Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, 11, 297-302, 2000.
- Athanasiu M. A. and G.P. Pavlos, SVD analysis of the Magnetospheric AE index time series and comparison with low dimensional chaotic dynamics, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 8, 95-125, 2001.
- Pavlos G. P., M. A. Athanasiu, A.G. Rigas, D.V. Sarafopoulos, and E.T. Sarris, Geometrical characteristics of magnetospheric energetic ion time series: evidence for low dimensional chaos, Ann. Geoph., 21, 1975-1993, 2003.
- Athanasiu M. A. , G. P. Pavlos, D.V. Sarafopoulos, and E.T. Sarris, Dynamical characteristics of magnetospheric energetic ion time series: evidence for low dimensional chaos, Ann. Geoph., 21, 1995-2010, 2003.
- Pavlos G. P., M.A. Athanasiu, G.C. Anagnostopoulos and E.T. Sarris, Evidence for chaotic dynamics in the Jovian magnetosphere, Planet. and Space Sci., 52, 513-541, 2004.
- Karanikola I., M. A. Athanasiou, G.C. Anagnostopoulos, G.P. Pavlos, P. Preka-Papadema, Quasi-periodic emissions (15-80 min) from the poles of the Jupiter as a principal source of the large scale high latitude magnetopause boundary layer of the energetic particles, Planet. and Space Sci., 52, 543-559, 2004.
- G.P. Pavlos, A.C. Iliopoulos and M.A. Athanasiou, Self Organized Criticality and/or Low Dimensional Chaos in Earthquake Processes: Theory and Practice in Hellenic Region, Book Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences, Publisher Springer New York, pages 235-259, 2007.
- G. P. Pavlos B. G. Tsoutsouras A. C. Iliopoulos, and M. A. Athanasiou, Self Organized Criticality (SOC) and Chaos Behavior in the Brain activity. Τάξη και Χάος στα Μη Γραμμικά Δυναμικά Συστήματα, σελ. 145, Τόμος Δέκατος, Εκδόσεις Παν. Πατρών, Πάτρα 2008.
- A. C. Iliopoulos , G. P. Pavlos and M. A. Athanasiou, Spatiotemporal Chaos into the Hellenic Seismogenesis: Evidence for a Global Seismic Strange Attractor, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Vol. 11, N. 2, pp. 107-298, 2008.
- G. P. Pavlos A. C. Iliopoulos L. P. Karakatsanis and M. A. Athanasiou, The Broad Universality of the Stochastic Unification of SOC, Chaos and other Nonlinear process, Τάξη και Χάος στα Μη Γραμμικά Δυναμικά Συστήματα, σελ. 157, Τόμος Δέκατος, Εκδόσεις Παν. Πατρών, Πάτρα 2008.
- C. N. David, M. A. Athanasiou, K. G. Anthymidis and P.K. Gotsis, Impact fatigue failure of HVOF coatings and modeling of the viscoelastic properties of coating-substrate compound, Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 5 , No. 6, 2008.
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