Δρ. Μιχάλης Αθανασίου |
Φυσικός Εργαστηριακός Συνεργάτης |
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Διεθνών Επιστημονικών Συνεδρίων :
- G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, Non-linear time series analysis, of magnetospheric and seismic activity, 1st Pan-Hellenic conference, 6th Summer school on Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Non-Linear Systems, Patra, Greece, July 19-30, 1993.
- G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, Examples of chaotic dynamics in the space plasma, 2nd Pan-Hellenic conference, 7th Summer school on Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Non-Linear Systems, Xanthi, Greece, Julay, 1994.
- G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, Possibilities and no possibilities of chaotic analysis from real time series, 3rd Pan-Hellenic conference, 8th Summer school on Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Non-Linear Systems, Xanthi, Greece, July 17-28, 1995.
- M. Athanasiou, G. Pavlos, I. Andreadis, Time series, chaos and stochasticity, 4th Pan-Hellenic conference, 9th Summer school on Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Non- Linear Systems, Patra, Greece, July 22-31, 1996.
- M. Athanasiou, G. Pavlos, P. Sotiropoulos, Typical mathematical representations of the dynamical states: Tools and methods, 13th Pan-Hellenic conference of the Greek Mathematical Association, Alexadroupoli, Greece, December 1, 1996.
- M. Athanasiou, G. Pavlos, I. Andreadis, A. Rigas, N. Hantzigeorgiu, Influence of white and colored noise on the attractors chaotic analysis, 5th Pan-Hellenic conference, 10th Summer school on Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Non-Linear Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 14-25, 1997.
- G. Pavlos, M. Athanasiou, Non-linear Processes in Earth's Magnetosphere, 6th European Astronomical Astronomical Sosiety Conference, Halkidiki, Creece, May 1, 1997.
- D. V. Sarafopoulos, M. A. Athanasiou, and E.T. Sarris, Exodus of energetic particles out of flank of the magnetosphere cavity, International Symposium on Solar - Terrestrial Coupling Processes, Paros, Greece, June 23-27, 1997.
- J. Argyris, J. Andreadis, G. Pavlos, and M. Athanasiou, On a classification of Dynamic Systems subject to noise, 2nd Brussels Meeting, Brussels, 1997.
- D.V. Sarafopoulos, M. Athanasiou, E.T. Sarris, R. Lepping, T. Yamamoto and S. Kokubun, Origin and properties of energetic particles at the duskside of the Earth's magnetosheath throughout a great storm: GEΟΤΑΙL and WIND simultaneous measurements, 32nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Nagoya, Japan, July 12-19,1998.
- D.V. Sarafopoulos, M. Athanasiou, E.T. Sarris, R. Lepping, T. Yamamoto, and S. Kokubun, Properties and origin of energetic particles at the duskside of the Earth's magnetosheath throughout a great storm: GEΟΤΑΙL and WIND simultaneous measurements, NATO Advanced Research Workshop: INTERBALL in the ISTP program, Kosice, Slovakia, Sept. 7-11, 1998.
- Saraphopoulos, D.V., M. Athanasiu, D.G. Sibeck, R.W. McEntire, E.T. Sarris, and S. Kokubun, Species dependent dispersion structures of energetic particles at the nightside magnetosheath support their leakage out of the magnetopause, American Geophysical Union, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 1-4, 1999.
- Pavlos G. P., M.A. Athanasiou, G.C. Anagnostopoulos and E.T. Sarris, Evidence for chaotic dynamics in the Jovian magnetosphere, Planet. and Space Sci., 52, 513-541, 2004.
- Pavlos G., M. Athanasiu, G. Anagnostopoulos, and E.T. Sarris, Chaos analysis of Jovian energetic particles: Preliminary results, HI - SCALE Team meeting #29, Demokritos University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, September 27-29, 2000.
- Anagnostopoulos G.C., I.Karanikola, M.Athanasiou and S.M.Krimigis , Quasi-periodic (10-80 min) temporal and spatial variations of energetic particle observations in the Jovian magnetosphere , Euroconference: Jupiter after Galileo and Cassini, Book of Abstracts, p. 151, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
- Athanasiu, M. A.; Pavlos, G. P. SVD analysis and low dimensional chaos with applications in magnetospheric time series, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice April 2003.
- Pavlos, G. P.; Athanasiu, M. A. Magnetospheric chaos. Theory and data analysis EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice France, April 2003.
- Pavlos, G. P.; Athanasiu, M. A.; Anagnostopoulos, G. C.; Sarris, E. T. Evidence for chaotic dynamics in the Jovian magnetosphere EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice France, April 2003.
- Α. Ηλιόπουλος, Γ. Παύλος, Μ. Αθανασίου, Μη Γραμμική Ανάλυση και Μοντελοποίηση Σεισμικών Σημάτων, 11ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικών 30, Μαρτίου - 2 Απριλίου 2006, Λάρισα.
- GP Pavlos, AC Iliopoulos, and MA Athanasiu , Self organized criticality or/and low dimensional chaos in earthquake processes (theory and practice), 20 Years of Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences, Endorsed by: American Meteorology Society and European Geosciences Union (EGU), June 11-16, 2006, Rhodes, Greece.
- Athanasiou M., Anagnostopoulos G., Iliopoulos A., Rigas V., Efthymiadis D., Louri I., Pavlos G. and N. Iosifidis, Classes of intense energetic electron flux variations detected by the spacecraft DEMETER, 8th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Thassos, 13 - 15 September 2007.
- Karakatsanis L., Pavlos G., Iliopoulos A., Athanasiu M., Nonlinear analysis of Solar Cycle data. Evidence for low dimensional Chaos, 8th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Thassos, 13 - 15 September 2007.
- Pavlos G., Karakatsanis L., Iliopoulos A., Athanasiu M., Anagnostopoulos G., Chaos and SOC hypothesis of the Solar and Magnetospheric dynamics. Application of the nonlinear dynamics of distributed systems, 8th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Thassos, 13 - 15 September 2007.
- Α. Ηλιόπουλος, Γ. Παύλος, Μ. Αθανασίου, Μη Γραμμική Ανάλυση και Μοντελοποίηση Σεισμικών Σημάτων, 11ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικών 30, Μαρτίου - 2 Απριλίου 2006, Λάρισα.
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